Breaking generational cycles in my robe

This is my dad’s robe. My mom started to wear it after he passed and it was the one thing I took from her after she died (lies, I have her leg warmers too). It’s so cozy and feels like I’m wearing a hug.

I loved my parents while they were here on this earth and I love them just as much now, wherever they are in the universe. As i get older, I have more empathy for who they were as people, and am able to reconcile the times when their parenting fell short.

My forever life work is getting curious with myself: the thoughts/behavior patterns that live in my subconscious that were born when I was a child. When these things go unchecked, even the things I think I have control over are really being driven by neural pathways that were created when I was a kid.

My mom and dad did the best they could with what they had. I have the opportunity to heal, change and create new ways of thinking and being that will serve me, my communities, my clients and those that come after me. All it takes is one to change the paradigm and I am more than okay being that in my family and doing it one day at a time in the familial robe.

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